"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,

but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.", ~Frederick Keonig

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Would you eat 52 teaspoons of sugar today?

Do you know how much sugar you eat every day?? The average American consumes 52 TEASPOONFULS of sugar PER DAY!!

USDA.gov 2010 (http://www.usda.gov/factbook/chapter2.pdf)

A couple of weeks ago, I tracked everything I put in my mouth on: http://www.thedailyplate.com/ . After three days, I was SHOCKED! I learned, on average, I eat 137 teaspoons of sugar DAILY, and the recommended value is 41 teaspoons! WOW!

I went on a Sugar Revolution!!

Apple Renovation: I did a little apple research and discovered that granny smith apples contain 14 tsp of sugar versus 25-30tsp in other apples! I want to eat an apple every day because apples are superfoods;I switched to granny smith apples and saved 10-15tsp of sugar per day!

Yogurt Overhaul: My non-fat, plain, regular yogurt contained 20tsp of sugar! Plain, non-fat greek yogurt contains 7 tsp of sugar, and 18 GRAMS of PROTEIN! I dip my apple in my yogurt around 9am, and I am FULL until noon!

Oatmeal Refurb: I ditched the 2 tsp of brown sugar in my morning oatmeal, saving me 8grams of sugar/day. At first, I felt like I was chocking my oatmeal down, but after one week, I didn’t notice the missing sugar!

23.5MILLION Americans over 20 are diabetic (National   Institute for Health, 2007)


3 small changes=36tsp of sugar! Tracking my food intake helped me learn my sugar intake is too high! I plan to be mindful of my sugar intake whenever possible. I am also thinking about ditching ketchup…..BUT…that’s a BIG situation. I LOOOOOVE ketchup. So I will think on that one.

What good would come to your life if you went on a sugar revolution!? Do you know how much sugar you eat per day? Are you surprised by the sugar content in prepared foods??

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