"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,

but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.", ~Frederick Keonig

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Amazed by NAKED pizza!

James and I budget $500 per month for food (max $125/week). Most of the time, our weekly food expense is about $100, but sometimes special occasions, guests, or food gifts cause our weekly budget to tip over! Last week, with James traveling home to Bangor, our food budget tipped in the wrong direction! To recoup the losses, we were challenged to save some $$ on food this week.

Some of our most expensive food items include: cheese, meat, and vegetables. In order to maintain our budget, we had to shave about $30 off our grocery bill this week. We didn’t want to skimp on veggies, so we decided to ditch the cheese and meat.

What did this mean? NAKED PIZZA!! This delicious whole wheat pizza topped with natural pizza sauce and four veggies: mushrooms, orange pepper, onion, and spinach is not only loaded with TONS of nutrients, and saved us $$, but I honestly was amazed that I didn’t notice the missing CHEESE! WOOT WOOT!!

"The wise man should consider that health is the greatst of human blessings.  Let food be your medicine."  Hippocrates

"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun!"
Mary Lou Cook

[This week’s grocery bill= $70.15, I am NOT lying!!!] YAY, WE’RE GETTING OUT OF DEBT! Plus, we are EATING HEALHTY!!! BAAAABY!!!

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