"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,

but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.", ~Frederick Keonig

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Children are the Future

Optimistic Opportunity #3: American children deserve to eat nutritious meals and engage in fun physical activity every day.

“The Children are the Future” is a beautiful catch phrase that most Americans believe. Parents want the best for their children; they want them to grow into productive, successful American citizens with strong values and integrity.

In America, we fight to give our children the “best.” We strive to offer all children healthcare, but do we forget about the basic fundamental healthcare that we can choose to give our children every day?

In my work, I meet with individuals one-on-one and together we work to develop wellness plans designed to generate their personal best. The most common plans involve two basic wellness components: nutrition and exercise. Throughout hundreds of meetings, I recognized two common themes:
1. Behavior practiced for 20+ years is incredibly difficult to change.

2. Parents believe that nutrition and exercise is important; yet they do not involve their children in these healthy behaviors.

Imagine if healthy nutrition and daily exercise were just “life?” Imagine if we didn’t have to dread, resent, and struggle to incorporate exercise…..imagine if we didn’t have to feel deprived, guilty, and hungry just to lose 10 pounds?? The truth is that we can give this gift to our children; children are pliable!

Health Myth #1: “I can’t force my children to eat my ‘diet’ foods”

Fact: When we feed our children nutritious foods we: nourish their brains for a productive day of learning, protect them from disease and infection, and prepare them to enjoy healthy eating throughout the rest of their lives.

How can we raise engaged children when we feed them cereal with 45grams of sugar for breakfast? How can we keep our children healthy if we feed them fruit snacks and pop tarts for lunch? How can we expect children to expand their creative energies when our school lunch programs serve children foods filled with preservatives, fillers, and chemicals?

Our children deserve healthy doses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and nutrients to support their emotional and physical development; they deserve to be supplied the armor against the chronic conditions that plague our nation.

Health Myth #2: “I can’t exercise because I need to spend time with my children.”
Fact: When children watch parents exercise, they view their parents as positive role models who value exercise and health. What’s even better?? When parents find creative ways to include children in their exercise routines!

How can we expect children to release their energy and function at their highest when we eliminate funding for physical education programs? How can we expect our children to prevent illnesses, injuries, depression, and emotional illness when we sit them in front of the television while we run on the treadmill??
Our children deserve to move their bodies, run, play, and have fun!

Health Myth #3: “My kids don’t need to worry exercise and eating; they don’t have a weight ‘problem’”

Fact: Our future deserves to avoid fighting the battle of “diet” and “exercise” later in life. Our future deserves to eat foods that will help them emotionally handle the bully on the play ground, physically participate in a game of basketball, and mentally excel in math. Our children are our future, and healthy eating and exercise is a primary healthcare practice that we can choose to role model and teach to our children.

Obesity & Children Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5f5O6LBhOZo

Kid Friendly Delicious Home-Made Super Food Inspired Salsa:

1 can black beans

1 can black eyed peas

1 small onion

1 orange bell pepper

1 cup frozen corn

1-3 jalapeño peppers (depending on how alive you want to feel)

1(19oz) can diced tomatoes- look for a can with less than 40mg of sodium/serving

1 cup of low-sodium Italian dressing- search for a brand with less than 200mg of sodium/serving

Refrigerate for 1 hour and enjoy!

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