"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have,

but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.", ~Frederick Keonig

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Snuggles from a 2 year old

Below is a story sent in from one of my blog readers and former wellness coaching client, Nikki. The story reflects a beautiful and positive lesson learned from her two year old son, Noah.

The past few weeks have been a little rough, emotionally, between work and home life. But I’m getting past it like I normally do. So the other night, Wednesday to be exact, I had tons of energy, and it was finally cooler, and Noah was sleeping. I had THE PERFECT opportunity to try and get some house work done without interruptions. Right smack in the middle of sanitizing my kitchen, Noah wakes up screaming. Of course first thing I think of: “great, I have all this stuff to do around the house how long is he going to be up?” (Horrible mommy thinking by the way!)

So I get him up, give him some yogurt and sit on the bed with him. He continues to scream and cry. I don’t know what else to do as he won’t talk.

So I say to him: “Noah, you need to talk to mumma, what do you need? If I you don’t use your words, I can’t help you” (Okay, like he understood half of that).

Here is where you’ll be proud of me :) I took a deep breath, held him tight and said: “Noah do want mumma to lay with you and snuggle”? Noah said: “yes mumma, snuggle”.

I felt so bad, and was so upset at myself, because I was so worried and concentrated on house work, that it took me too long to understand, and realize that my little man just wanted the comfort of his mother.

As I was laying with him, and his little arms wrapped so tightly around my neck, I hear this light snoring, and it dawns on me…..

“Nothing like snuggles with your lil man. Makes me stop and cherish the present. For the future comes so soon, and these moments will be few and far between. These precious moments make me remember how truly blessed I am, and help to forget all the negative I can sometimes focus on. It will all work out the way the Lord has planned. He won't give me anything I can't handle”

I posted the statement as a reminder on my facebook, in my journal (as a quote and header, like I have my vision statement), and right next to my computer. When little things start to impact my mood, or keep me in that negative state, I can look at this and remember that exact feeling I had that evening, when my son, who is 2, taught me one of the most precious, and valuable lessons of my life.

Do you have an optimisitic reflection to share?  Send your story to: Optimistic Reflections (if you have pictures, send them too!)

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